TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by DogPawHat on 11/21/2023 in #questions
Form components with shadcn
When I look at the shadcn components examples for forms, they all have the primitives put inline in the form as below:
render={({ field }) => (
<Select onValueChange={field.onChange} defaultValue={field.value}>
<SelectValue placeholder='Select a verified email to display' />
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
You can manage verified email addresses in your <Link href='/examples/forms'>email settings</Link>.
<FormMessage />
render={({ field }) => (
<Select onValueChange={field.onChange} defaultValue={field.value}>
<SelectValue placeholder='Select a verified email to display' />
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
<SelectItem value=''></SelectItem>
You can manage verified email addresses in your <Link href='/examples/forms'>email settings</Link>.
<FormMessage />
The pros of this to my mind is you can directly style the labels and fields with tailwind without having to do some wierd propdrilling. It is verbose however, and I've recently started on a code base that has build higher level componets on top of the shadcn form primitives and uses this when it makes a form:
{ value: '', label: '' },
{ value: '', label: '' },
{ value: '', label: '' },
{ value: '', label: '' },
{ value: '', label: '' },
{ value: '', label: '' },
While simpler to use, you can't add extra tailwind classes to say the label and are stuck with whatever styles are used inside FormSelect The context is we have these components used inside a frontend app for the team I recently joined, but I would not say there's exactly a defined design language yet? (We have like three Button components, and a split of forms using either shadcn + react-hook-form or formik for some reason). I'm not sure having the intermediate molecular components help as much in this situation as every form is slighly different, but the existing frontend engineer appreciates not having to copy and paste the same code over and over again. I'm wondering if there's much in the way of opinions as to how to use shadcn's stuff, just copy and paste the patterns like the examples or abstract into higher level components. Not found much answers anywhere else at the moment.
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