Created by senox13 on 8/22/2023 in #help
❔ Sharpie-Curses fails to find curses lib on Windows
I'm attempting to get this library to work on windows, but despite the inclusion of precompiled PDCurses binaries for a large number of platforms (including x64 windows, which I am on), the library fails to find a valid curses lib to use upon initialization. I am currently just cloning the below repo to run the included test projects. Everything works as expected on Linux. Native libs are very outside of my area of knowledge, so I'm hoping there's some obvious, common step that I'm just completely missing. Does anyone have any experience with this particular library?
3 replies
Created by senox13 on 11/1/2022 in #help
Getting coverage of a single test in VS
Anyone here familiar with the VS extension Fine Code Coverage? I'm having a hell of a time trying to see the coverage of a single test, but it seems like that extension should be able to show me that. Ultimately, I just want to see the coverage of a single test, so I'm open to switching to a different extension for coverage if there's one that would make this easier
1 replies