Created by WildWestman on 10/8/2023 in #✋|help
Setting DNS CName via Amazon Route53
I just wanted to validate I was setting the correct name (DNS is not my strong point) The railway app says to set a cname with a name of '@' but despite doing that the records seem to be taking a time to update. My DNS for the domain I want to point to has quite a lot going on in terms of A Records and others - Should I remove those first?
15 replies
Created by WildWestman on 8/30/2023 in #✋|help
Project failing to deploy - 'no space available'
Project: 13b3222b-eb44-433c-ad71-9174aa430a7d Has been deploying fine but started to complain about a node-module on build, since then is also throwing a 'no space available' error on deployment
12 replies
Created by WildWestman on 7/31/2023 in #✋|help
Pricing/Platform access
I have my account registered at the moment on the free tier but my team is on a paid tier - I've had several emails about the pricing update and I'm worried as to what is going to happen to my access if I don't upgrade my personal account that I won't be able to access my team.
7 replies