ASP.NET Core 8 Web API, can't use additional fields with Identity registration
The MapIdentityApi<User> extension method only adds email and password when registering, as it takes a RegisterRequest containing only those two properties. You'd have to write you own from another controller, and accept whatever you need. You can F12 over the MapIdentityApi<User> to see see the register method.
9 replies
✅ Binding a RelayCommand in a CollectionView DataTemplate with an other object as DataType
Actually I looked at it again just after posting that, and it will work with [RelayCommand], I forgot you have to bind it in XAML to SetDoneCommand and RemoveCommand respectively as that's what the commands are called when code is generated by the toolkit. If you change those in your XAML all should work.
17 replies
Best practice for return data from API
yeah that was my thinking. Right now I pull a list of shift in a given date range. Then groupby on that list to nest it to each employeeID. It made sense to do it that way as the client would have an easier time to parse. When I was grouping, I tried to include the employee name but it was giving unexpected entries in the json response
16 replies