Created by berkay on 3/23/2024 in #help
Help about possible internship interview questions
Study Design Patterns, Architecture, OOP and SOLID. I mostly got questions like: "On the topic of Design Patterns could you discuss specific instances where you applied design patterns to address particular challenges? If so, could you elaborate on the design patterns used and the problems they were employed to solve?" "Share an example from your experience where you utilized Dependency Injection." Like mostly questions were about Design Patterns, OOP, SOLID principles.
3 replies
Created by IcyIme on 10/22/2023 in #help
❔ what learn first as beginerr blazor or
Microsoft has videos on everything ASP.NET on their website here:
17 replies
Created by IcyIme on 10/22/2023 in #help
❔ what learn first as beginerr blazor or
Blazor is a feature of ASP.NET!
17 replies
Created by Waranai on 10/12/2023 in #help
✅ Postman / SignalR
The other stuff I don't really understand, hard to read rn FeelsDankMan
8 replies
Created by Waranai on 10/12/2023 in #help
✅ Postman / SignalR
You can add query parameters to the "first connection request"
8 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
All you need is this!
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
This should be the only code in Program.cs
using System;

Console.WriteLine("Enter input:");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int loop = 1;
while (loop <= 10)
Console.WriteLine(inout + " loves me");
using System;

Console.WriteLine("Enter input:");
string input = Console.ReadLine();
int loop = 1;
while (loop <= 10)
Console.WriteLine(inout + " loves me");
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
In Program.cs remove line 2 through 6 and 14 trough 16
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
Ah ok, does your code run now?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
-try setting startup file by Right-click on the project but can't find "Set as Startup Project."
-try Open Solution Explorer by cliking View > Solution Explorer but can't find Explorer
-try using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+L but nothing shows up either
-try seurching for another version by going to view > Other Windows > Solution Explorer but can't find other windows
-try using keyboard shortcut Ctrl + W, S but nothing shows up either
-try customize keyboard shortcuts by Go to Tools > Options but can't find tool
-try Using the Keyboard Shortcut to open Press Ctrl + Alt + L to opening the Solution Explorer to open explorer solution but doesn't work
-try setting startup file by Right-click on the project but can't find "Set as Startup Project."
-try Open Solution Explorer by cliking View > Solution Explorer but can't find Explorer
-try using keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+L but nothing shows up either
-try seurching for another version by going to view > Other Windows > Solution Explorer but can't find other windows
-try using keyboard shortcut Ctrl + W, S but nothing shows up either
-try customize keyboard shortcuts by Go to Tools > Options but can't find tool
-try Using the Keyboard Shortcut to open Press Ctrl + Alt + L to opening the Solution Explorer to open explorer solution but doesn't work
Are these all questions that need answering, or are they all related to Program.cs problem?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
The dotnet run looks for the file named Program.cs in your project. It's the starting point of your program!
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
I forgot about top-level statements, you can instead just copy the code inside of your exercise.cs "Main" method into Program.cs
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
You can move the code inside of the Main method to the Main method inside of Program.cs
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
Ah, so you want to run code in a seperate file?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
Does "Hello World!" show up after you dotnet run?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
37 replies
Created by Aimlatte on 9/2/2023 in #help
❔ which one how how should I fix this problem?
Could you show the code in Program.cs?
37 replies
Created by Chik3r on 8/5/2023 in #help
❔ How to serialize certain null values with System.Text.Json
I misread your question 🤦
5 replies
Created by Schenk on 7/25/2023 in #help
Real-time audio recording and streaming
If you want to check default device in your code and let's say set the default device to a different device if your default device isn't the device you want to use (this is confusing to type.) You can use NAudio to retrieve default device name, and set a desired device as the default.
17 replies