Internal classes
this is generally what interfaces are for 😄 you make a public interface and the implementation is internal. you will notice one big convenience - you can inject whatever you want into implementation's contructor and all dependencies would still be internal, because interface does not expose a constructor.
(of course this is only one of many purposes of interfaces)
16 replies
✅ How to Deserialize dd-MM-yyyy in System.Text.Json?
this is my example (we dont know how the solutions looks), there is a possibility that
new Date()
is not enough, however I think we can both agree that this is a frontend responsibility to adjust to API standard rather than adjusting API for frontend code here41 replies
✅ How to Deserialize dd-MM-yyyy in System.Text.Json?
if this is an angular app, you probably are taking it from input with FormControl, can't you just map is there with
new Date(control.value).toISOString()
before sending to api?
I know, it's an Angular response in C# chat, but still a possible solution to a problem41 replies