Second part time job
Because of that i'm confident i can work in second job.
Rn i'm in thar corporate job, where most of the meetings are useless and doesn't need my input. Most of all, task that generally takes me around 4 5h, they estimate it like 1 week task cos of past experience. So eventually i'm left with lots of free time. And i want to use that free time to earn more money, not waste it, like i feel like i'm doing rn
15 replies
Second part time job
Well, for some reason, none of my coworkers or ppl that i know work remotely or on any side project that require help.
I've tries various freelance websites, including upwork but 0 luck on finding firnd project. Kinda frustrating at this point
15 replies
dependency injection problem. hangfire jobs.
everything is registered as scoped.
making a db call makes an error, in this case this "await jobRepository.GetWaitingCampaigns();"
here's registrations.
services.AddDbContext<LoyaltyDbContext>((sp, opts) =>
var auditableInterceptor = sp.GetService<UpdateAuditableEntitiesInterceptor>()!;
services.AddScoped<IJobRepository, JobRepository>();
services.AddScoped<IJobService, JobService>();
3 replies