PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
Caught the red one a few days earlier in saragossa
32 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
No description
32 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
Sure give me a sec
32 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
Ok it seems to be working partially, i tried sniping a few azelf, the first was a corason and the next one was an azelf. So there seems to be trial and error, but if you have a few minutes i would try to snipe the lake mon you need and if it is not there, go to the next. Sucks but still at least possible to snipe
32 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
Maybe it is not a bug and intentional from niantic. Sucks tbh, but the first time people have different Pokémon visible
32 replies
PGCPokémon GO Coordinates
Created by MiggyDaMigga on 4/22/2024 in #❓│support-pogo
Lake-trio spawns
There seems to be a lot of Problems with regionale. Multiple people on Reddit reported, that two Players encounter different Pokémon on the Same Spot. So f.e. A dude and his gf Go out, the dude sees a maracamba but the gf sees a basculin (or whatever The Blue red Fish is called). It seems like this also affects the lake Trio, so when the sniper shows a mon from the trio, there is something completely different for everyone, well some maybe have luck. It could also be a regional thing, that you are locked away from that mon, we don’t really know yet. Could also be a bug, but that would be the smallest Chance. Niantic probably patched something in with the last update
32 replies