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There is a couple of options to choose from here if you want to build a "home page" using ASP.NET.
- ASP.NET Razor Pages
- ASP.NET Blazor
If you are looking for reactivity (where parts of the page update dynamically without reloading) or want to build a Single-Page Application (SPA), Blazor might be a better choice. Blazor lets you write interactive web applications using C# instead of JavaScript through Razor Components.
But if you are new to ASP.NET and just need a simple homepage, Razor Pages could be a better starting point. You can write your homepage in mostly HTML and CSS and integrate the Razor syntax into your pages.
Do some reading into these two technologies and come to your own conclusion.
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Is it appropriate to compare programming languages while learning a new one?
It's fine, but it's important you do not assume what works in Java works the same in C#. For example, you can create getter and setter methods in Java to get and set private fields from your object, but in C# we have properties for getting and setting fields from a public space. Java also has very strict rules on exception handling known as checked exceptions which are evaluated at compile time. C# does not do this and expects you handle your exceptions properly at runtime.
These are a couple differences you might make assumptions on and get incorrect.
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