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Created by NotLuksus on 5/14/2024 in #support
Shared Layouts with SolidStart
I wondered if its possible to have a shared Layout for the routes / and /pricing but not for /dashboard e.g. I have a navbar I want to show only on that routes. From the docs it seems like it's only possible for pages inside folders so /landing/ /landing/pricing having a different layout then /dashboard would work?
3 replies
Created by NotLuksus on 5/14/2024 in #support
createAsyncResource and <Suspense>
import { createAsync, cache } from "@solidjs/router";
import { For, Suspense } from "solid-js";
import * as edgedb from "edgedb";
import e from "../../dbschema/edgeql-js";

const getTodos = cache(async () => {
"use server";
const client = edgedb.createClient();
//Simulate long running query
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000));
return e
.select(e.Todo, () => ({
text: true,
done: true,
}, "todos");

export const route = {
load: () => getTodos(),

export default function Page() {
const todos = createAsync(() => getTodos(), {
deferStream: true,

return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<For each={todos()}>{(todo) => <div>{todo.text}</div>}</For>
import { createAsync, cache } from "@solidjs/router";
import { For, Suspense } from "solid-js";
import * as edgedb from "edgedb";
import e from "../../dbschema/edgeql-js";

const getTodos = cache(async () => {
"use server";
const client = edgedb.createClient();
//Simulate long running query
await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 2000));
return e
.select(e.Todo, () => ({
text: true,
done: true,
}, "todos");

export const route = {
load: () => getTodos(),

export default function Page() {
const todos = createAsync(() => getTodos(), {
deferStream: true,

return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading...</div>}>
<For each={todos()}>{(todo) => <div>{todo.text}</div>}</For>
I would expect this to first render Todos Loading... for 2 seconds and then all the todos in a list instead of the Loading However when I open the page, the browser loading indicator is there for 2 seconds and then just the "end result" gets rendered in the browser. What am I doing wrong? Quite new to solid so please excuse if this question is dumb haha Thanks for help!
8 replies