Created by Vektor on 5/22/2024 in #help
Updating Multiple instance of the same page in real time
What is the currently best way to achieve that in C# (be that .net core or mvc projects) without relying on third party / nuget tools ? For example: Pressing a button to create a cell will do it across all instance of the same page be that 2 3 4 5 etc without having to refresh it.
28 replies
Created by Vektor on 3/30/2023 in #help
✅ Multiple inheritance question
I have a partial class webform that is inheriting a base page class. Inside it there are multiple references to base methods. I am required to make a similar one with ever so slightly different functionality that has to be in a separate aspx. The question is can I use Multiple inheritance to avoid copy pasting the code over into the new one and making the changes? Is it possible to just inherit the partial and somehow access the base methods required for it to function?
14 replies