TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Emilius on 5/8/2023 in #questions
Contributing to open source
Hey folks! I wanted to ask to anyone that managed to contribute to open source in a project for a long period of time. I've read a lot of blogposts about this but most of them talk about finding good first issues in several repos and doing simple tasks. What I'm looking for is for a project that's preferably early in its development and that I can contribute to. I currently have 1 - 2 years of experience in Typescript (mainly all the T3 stack except for tRPC) The question would be how to actually search for this types of project, and how to asses if they would be a good fit for what I'm looking for Thanks in advance 🙂
11 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Emilius on 1/3/2023 in #questions
Stack to build a small game
Hello! As Theo says all the time. We are builders and the best way to get better is by building more stuff. I want to keep practicing building fullstack projects so I decided to create a small game, but I have a few questions if anyone can help: I want the game to be pretty simple since I've done only two small fullstack projects (I only do FE at my job). The idea is to make a game for my friends to play (10 players give or take) in which you have a character with some stats like an RPG and you can decide to fight a couple of times a day. The fights auto resolve and you should be able to fight NPCs or other players. To avoid snowballing the fights would be somewhat random but with more chance to win the better your level / gear is. My question is: How do you think I should approach this? My plan is to use Next JS (for frontend and backend) with Typescript and Tailwind, Prisma with PostgreSQL. What do you think I should have in mind? I think this would be my first really somewhat big project so any help will be appreciated 🙂 If you want more details of how the game works let me know
11 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Emilius on 12/10/2022 in #questions
Question about React architecture and organizing files
Hi there! I recently finished a project with a team in which we used MUI for the styles. The project turned out working perfectly fine, but I wasn't really happy that we ended up with files of 200 300 lines of code. I think that MUI doesn't help since when you declare the styles, prettier makes each property a different line so you end up with a <Box> that is 10-15 lines long. This plus the logic of that component made these files big. Now, I have two questions regarding this: - Should I create more components when the file gets too big, even if that component is not reusable? For example, let's say that I have a certain section of the page that is unique but is also very big, is it okay if I create multiple components for this section even if those components will only be used there? This would be in order to keep files more concise and organized - Is it okay to abstract the logic of a component in a custom hook even if that hook is not reused later? So let's say that I create a custom hook to handle a certain form with some specific inputs, and I want to control those inputs in a way that is incompatible with other forms in the application. Is it bad practice if I create a custom hook that won't be reused later on? Just for the sake of abstracting the logic of a component and just importing the necessary things from the custom hook. This with the idea that will separate the concerns of the files and help in avoiding big 200 - 300 lines of code files. Hopefully my questions were clear and not too newbie for this discord! Thanks ❤️
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