WPF CollectionView Filter on Property of Model?
I'm trying hard to find a proper solution, because this problem is actually nested one level more, as in:
X has a list of Z, and I want to filter based on the name of Z and it should not show any Y's NOR X's that don't have a single X that don't have a single Z
22 replies
WPF CollectionView Filter on Property of Model?
@Klarth so you are telling me to introduce a new observable list for the ListOfX from whatever Y that is selected in the viewmodel right? My question still remains as to where I should set that observablelist
22 replies
WPF Framework Canvas Automatic Scaling based on largest coordinate in list it used to be able to find the old Ellipse element and get me the width and height, but it can't with EllipseGeometry?
7 replies
WPF Framework Canvas Automatic Scaling based on largest coordinate in list
Almost solved the issue myself, just need to figure out this next problem
I don't know why this following code can't get find the property RadiusX on the EllipseGeometry
7 replies