Created by djibouti on 1/16/2023 in #help
✅ How can I use ReactJS with core with server side HTTP calls?
Hello. I am curious what choices I have available for working with and a React front end. I am aware there is an template for React, however it does not seem to support server side rendering. Their docs mention:
The project template isn't meant for server-side rendering (SSR). For SSR with React and Node.js, consider Next.js or Razzle.
The project template isn't meant for server-side rendering (SSR). For SSR with React and Node.js, consider Next.js or Razzle.
Are there any good options available that lets me still use core? I would prefer to share types with my back end. I looked at ReactJS.NET but it seems to not have been updated in quite some time. It has only a couple of typo fixing commits in the last couple of years. I'm curious if anyone has good ideas for me. Thanks!
18 replies
Created by djibouti on 11/30/2022 in #help
✅ Connecting desktop client to a web app. How to link the session via SignalR?
Hello. I am trying to design a new project. I need to build a client to run on user's desktops. This client will need to be able to open other processes in the user's session. At my company we are looking to consolidate our internal tools to a web application for the user interface. My hope is that I can have my web application (integrated with Azure AD) pass down commands to the desktop client. In the past I've used signalR to handle web sockets and the fallback if those aren't available. It has worked great. What I can't work out is how to link the desktop client with the web application. How do I communicate the connection ID for the desktop client to the web app session? Anyone have any good ideas? My design thoughts here may be over-engineering and flawed so criticism of that idea is welcome if you have other suggestions. I can't seem to make the mental model for how this desktop client starts up, connects to the SignalR hub, and the user's web app session knows which connection ID to transmit commands. If I can't work out a good solution I can always revert to a WPF application and scrap the idea of integration with our web app, but I wanted to see if I could crowdsource some good ideas. Thanks for reading!
3 replies
Created by djibouti on 11/23/2022 in #help
✅ WPF Build size triples after changing target framework to net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0
Hello. My WPF application uses .net6 and recently I was asked to use 'toast' style Windows 10/11 notifications. Easy enough - I installed Microsoft.Toolkit.Uwp.Notifications and am using the ToastContentBuilder. However, in order to use the Show() method on the toast it requires changing the Target Framework from .net6.0-windows to net6.0-windows10.0.17763.0. It seemed simple enough but after doing a build I noticed my application size tripled to 34MB. I really would like to get it closer to my previous 11MB. Digging in I can see why. Simply by changing the Target framework it's now including Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll in the build which is 23MB in size. My question here is if there's a way for us to retain notification functionality without needing the large SDK dll? Are there any strategies to avoid this? Possibly by not changing the target framework but still leveraging the toast notification? I have no idea. Really appreciate any help here. Take care!
45 replies