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Created by gdotv on 8/9/2024 in #questions
Granular configuration options for such as JANUSGRAPH_RELATION_DELIMITER on driver
Noted, thanks for confirming - I expect almost no one is going to run into this issue but thought I'd double check, much appreciated!
5 replies
Created by b4lls4ck on 7/18/2024 in #questions
Is there a suitable JanusGraph visualizer where you can see your created graphs?
there's a free 1 month trial, so you don't have to go straight to checkout on G.V() but yeah, it is ultimately a paywalled product. We do discounts for small companies, happy to discuss your circumstances if that helps in the decision. For free tools, might also be worth checking the "Powered By" section at, i think it mostly overlaps with the list on JanusGraph's websites but should be useful nonetheless
8 replies
Created by b4lls4ck on 7/18/2024 in #questions
Is there a suitable JanusGraph visualizer where you can see your created graphs?
I'm biased of course but is well worth a try, it'll do that and a lot more!
8 replies
Created by gdotv on 5/22/2024 in #questions
Creating a customer serializer Io Registry in Java
cool, i think that clarifies everything, im clear on the approach to take moving forward for G.V(), the best solution is to simply allow onboarding a user's custom IO registry via a packaged jar, likely the same one they would drop under lib for their JG install
12 replies
Created by rpuga on 5/27/2024 in #questions
Unable to load GraphSON file
(taking this point on board also as I can see how this would look like GraphSON in context)
8 replies
Created by rpuga on 5/27/2024 in #questions
Unable to load GraphSON file
I think i see the problem, there's a slight confusion between JSON and GraphSON here - the JSON export from "Export Graph Results" in G.V() is JSON, not GraphSON. I'd recommend trying the GraphML export from G.V() instead, that'll be importable to JG via the IO step
8 replies
Created by gdotv on 5/22/2024 in #questions
Creating a customer serializer Io Registry in Java
thanks, that confirms my understanding - i think i got misled by the custom attribute serialization aspect on JanusGraph itself, as i was aware of the IoRegistry based implementations within Tinkerpop. Is it fair to say that the AttributeSerializer's purpose, specific to JanusGraph, is only to handle writing back to the storage backend, hence why it is JG specific?
12 replies
Created by gdotv on 5/22/2024 in #questions
Creating a customer serializer Io Registry in Java
My second question is around customer serializers - everything in the docs mentions the use of AttributeSerializer as the super class to use but I notice IoRegistry class registration expects a serializer class inheriting an implementation specific to the serializer in use (GraphSON, Gryo, GraphBinary...). Is there an additional custom serializer matching the serializer type in use?
12 replies
Created by gdotv on 5/22/2024 in #questions
Creating a customer serializer Io Registry in Java
@porunov got a little follow up question or two here as I'm trying to get this setup for testing. I've snatched some custom classes/serializers from (I know it's deprecated but it's still workable by the looks of it). I've configured my JG instance with a couple custom attribute types, but when attempting to add a vertex with one of those custom types, I'm getting the following error:
Property value [world] is of type class java.lang.StringBuffer is not supported
Property value [world] is of type class java.lang.StringBuffer is not supported
, which is thrown server side. Would that indicate a misconfiguration on my end or is there some other config im missing here?
12 replies
Created by gdotv on 5/22/2024 in #questions
Creating a customer serializer Io Registry in Java
Cool, ill keep you posted - ill snatch some custom serialisers from the repo's tests and try going for a multi ioregistry load setup on the driver, on for janusgraph and one for custom types if configured in g.v. I'll wrestle a bit with java reflection to figure out what the right way of prompting those but im assuming file path to jar or perhaps class file
12 replies
Created by vipulkashyap on 1/28/2024 in #questions
Support to query vertex with custom id in Gremlin.Net SDK
Are you using the right IoRegistry in your C# code (JanusGraphIoRegistry), and using the right JanusGraph driver version? I've ran into this issue before and it was due to a mismatch in JanusGraph driver version leading to serialization issues.
6 replies
Created by gdotv on 1/13/2024 in #questions
Deserializing of Vertex ID with Custom String value
Hey, turns out it was a mismatch between driver and server version due to the user being on an older version of G.V(), i need to remember to make this the first thing i check 😅
10 replies
Created by gdotv on 1/13/2024 in #questions
Deserializing of Vertex ID with Custom String value
turns out having tried it myself that I couldn't reproduce it - I'll get back to the user for more details. In my tests ive just been using the inmemory backend, ill see if i can dig out a stack trace as well
10 replies
Created by gdotv on 1/13/2024 in #questions
Deserializing of Vertex ID with Custom String value
Yep, java driver. This was reported to me from a user, ill get this reproduced locally so i can pass on a full stack trace ASAP
10 replies
Created by gdotv on 6/30/2023 in #questions
Can graph scans restrictions be bypassed?
Good to know, thanks!
5 replies