KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Lexi on 1/10/2025 in #front-end
CSS Scalloped Border
Any advice on how to make a scalloped border only on the top and bottom border of an element? https://codepen.io/Alexandra-Pierson/pen/emOMZKM This is what I'm currently working with and I can't seem to find a way to just make it along the top and bottom.
5 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Lexi on 12/3/2024 in #front-end
CSS Grid question (first row with 3 columns, second row with 4 columns)
Is there any easy way to set this up without having to declare strange spans? Or making the grid be 12 columns.
4 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Lexi on 11/15/2024 in #front-end
CSS Grid not resizing on media query with new grid-template-columns
Full disclosure: I'm working in react using react.modules.css file structure. I originally set up my grid-template-column as 1fr 1fr auto 2fr and I'm trying to change it to just a 1fr 1fr structure at smaller screen sizes. Not entirely sure what I'm doing wrong. https://cherished-moments.vercel.app/ current deployed version of the code. CSS
.footerGrid {
display: grid;

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr auto 2fr;
gap: 1rem;

.footerGrid h3,
.footerGrid a {
color: var(--primary-100);
font-family: 'Montserrat';

.footerGrid > nav > ul > li {
list-style: none;
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xxs);

.footerGrid h3 {
font-weight: 400;

.footerGrid nav h3 {
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xs);

.footerGrid input {
width: calc(100% - 1rem);
background-color: var(--primary-700);
color: var(--primary-100);

.footerGrid form {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-template-rows: max-content;

gap: 0.75rem;

.footerGrid form h3,
.footerGrid form input:nth-child(4) {
grid-column: 1/3;

.footerGrid button {
font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: 400;

.footerPadding {
padding: var(--spacing-l);

@media screen and (max-width: 1000) {
.footerGrid {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

.footerGrid nav:nth-child(1) {
grid-column: 1/2;
grid-row: 1/2;

.footerGrid nav:nth-child(2) {
grid-column: 2/3;
grid-row: 1/2;

.footerGrid img {
grid-column: 1/3;
grid-row: 2/3;

.footerGrid form {
grid-column: 1/3;
grid-row: 3/4;
.footerGrid {
display: grid;

grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr auto 2fr;
gap: 1rem;

.footerGrid h3,
.footerGrid a {
color: var(--primary-100);
font-family: 'Montserrat';

.footerGrid > nav > ul > li {
list-style: none;
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xxs);

.footerGrid h3 {
font-weight: 400;

.footerGrid nav h3 {
margin-bottom: var(--spacing-xs);

.footerGrid input {
width: calc(100% - 1rem);
background-color: var(--primary-700);
color: var(--primary-100);

.footerGrid form {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;
grid-template-rows: max-content;

gap: 0.75rem;

.footerGrid form h3,
.footerGrid form input:nth-child(4) {
grid-column: 1/3;

.footerGrid button {
font-size: 1rem;
font-weight: 400;

.footerPadding {
padding: var(--spacing-l);

@media screen and (max-width: 1000) {
.footerGrid {
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr;

.footerGrid nav:nth-child(1) {
grid-column: 1/2;
grid-row: 1/2;

.footerGrid nav:nth-child(2) {
grid-column: 2/3;
grid-row: 1/2;

.footerGrid img {
grid-column: 1/3;
grid-row: 2/3;

.footerGrid form {
grid-column: 1/3;
grid-row: 3/4;
47 replies
KPCKevin Powell - Community
Created by Lexi on 11/11/2024 in #front-end
Container grid system using react CSS modules, full-width being overridden by content-grid
I was following the "A new approach to container and wrapper classes" and trying to hook it up to a react project using CSS modules. However, when I use my full-width class it gets overwritten by the content-grid class. Is there an incapability with React CSS modules and this type of layout? Or am I missing something?
.content-grid {
--padding-inline: 2rem;
--content-max-width: 120ch;
--breakout-max-width: 140ch;

--breakout-size: calc(
(var(--breakout-max-width) - var(--content-max-width)) / 2

display: grid;
[full-width-start] minmax(var(--padding-inline), 1fr)
[breakout-start] minmax(0, var(--breakout-size))
[content-start] min(
100% - (var(--padding-inline) * 2),
minmax(0, var(--breakout-size)) [breakout-end]
minmax(var(--padding-inline), 1fr) [full-width-end];

.content-grid > :not(.breakout, .full-width),
.full-width > :not(.breakout, .full-width) {
grid-column: content;

.content-grid > .breakout {
grid-column: breakout;

.content-grid > .full-width {
grid-column: full-width;

display: grid;
grid-template-columns: inherit;
.content-grid {
--padding-inline: 2rem;
--content-max-width: 120ch;
--breakout-max-width: 140ch;

--breakout-size: calc(
(var(--breakout-max-width) - var(--content-max-width)) / 2

display: grid;
[full-width-start] minmax(var(--padding-inline), 1fr)
[breakout-start] minmax(0, var(--breakout-size))
[content-start] min(
100% - (var(--padding-inline) * 2),
minmax(0, var(--breakout-size)) [breakout-end]
minmax(var(--padding-inline), 1fr) [full-width-end];

.content-grid > :not(.breakout, .full-width),
.full-width > :not(.breakout, .full-width) {
grid-column: content;

.content-grid > .breakout {
grid-column: breakout;

.content-grid > .full-width {
grid-column: full-width;

display: grid;
grid-template-columns: inherit;
11 replies