Created by Timberfist on 2/27/2024 in #help
New webapi Project Doesn't Listen On https Port
It's pretty good but I've not compared it to Visual Studio yet. There certainly seem to be a few things I'm encountering in the Microsoft Learn modules that just don't make sense to me which, in some cases at least, I suspect is because they're written with the expectation that the reader is using Visual Studio.
9 replies
Created by Timberfist on 2/27/2024 in #help
New webapi Project Doesn't Listen On https Port
OK, now I understand. So the launchSettings.json file defines multiple launch profiles. The first profile (which is http only) is selected by default. Alternate profiles can be launched by specifying them on the command line thus: dotnet run --launch-profile "https". Now I just need to work out how to specify which profile I want to launch from Visual Studio Code.
9 replies
Created by Timberfist on 2/27/2024 in #help
New webapi Project Doesn't Listen On https Port
I just rechecked the error message when attempting to connect to https://localhost:7294/weatherforecast and it's not a timeout, it's "localhost refused to connect" - ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
9 replies
Created by Kinda Ducky on 2/23/2024 in #help
Is the entry loop here?
After ‘while (validEntry == false);’
3 replies
Created by MidnightChe on 2/22/2024 in #help
Learning C#
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