Created by Masini on 5/29/2024 in #💻┃support
"PropertyRequiredException: Issuer cannot be empty, js engine: hermes" error on Android APK
Hi everyone, I built my Expo app using EAS and built it as an APK, however when opening the app on my Android physical device/emulator it crashes immediately. On Expo Go the app works fine on both iOS and Android, and when building the app as a development build it works fine on both platforms. The build of the APK obviously succeeds but when I try to run it it just crashes immedietly. Below are the adb logs. In the logs it is specified that the error is coming from "KindeSDK", I am assuming I may have something wrong with how my environment variables are being set during the build? I am currently building the app using EAS with a .env file with the required Kinde values
5 replies
Created by Masini on 5/14/2024 in #💻┃support
React Native SDK: Android Login not working
Hello, I am using the Kinde react-native-sdk for 0.7x with Expo, and my login() function is not working on Android. On iOS, it works perfectly, however on Android I am receiving this error: Something wrong when trying to authenticating. Reason: The method or property WebBrowser.openBrowserAsync is not available on android, are you sure you've linked all the native dependencies properly? I am using Expo Go to test this out.
16 replies
Created by Masini on 4/29/2024 in #💻┃support
Express Protected Routes: How to pass JWT from client?
Hi, I have an express API which is using the protectRoute and getUser middlewares in each route. From the client-side, I am using Expo and getting a JWT once successfully logging in, but I'm not sure how I should pass this as a parameter when invoking one of my API endpoints. How can I do this?
8 replies