Neo | QuantFreedom
Neo | QuantFreedom
Created by Neo | QuantFreedom on 12/8/2024 in #help
Loop Optimization
anyone have any good resources for learning about loop Optimization in c#? I am making really good logical changes to my code by taking out if statements and removing other reoccurring code that doesn't need to be called all the time and i am actually somehow increasing the amount of time it takes my loop to run ... it makes absolutely no sense .. so i want to start studying this subject to have a better understanding of what the hell is going on
4 replies
Created by Neo | QuantFreedom on 11/10/2024 in #help
Flyout Styling (Avalonia)
anyone know how to style a flyout? I want to animate the width and height of my control in the flyout I want my control to grow when the flyout is open and shrink when the flyout is closed
5 replies
Created by Neo | QuantFreedom on 11/9/2024 in #help
Avalonia Data Trigger
Does anyone know if you can do data triggers in avalonia what i want to do is change the background color of a button if it is selected or not or could i do this with a checkbox but i want to change the check box to a star or some type of shape ... the shape would start out not filled and if it is selected then it would be filled ... can you change the shape of a check box?
23 replies