❔ Access AdditionalFiles in source generator
[solved] Ive got a netstandard2.0 source generator project that is supposed to read text via the context from a file that is included in the csproj of the generator like this:
The file is in the same directory as the .csproj
however when i try to access the GeneratorExecutionContext's files:
it throws an exception "Sequence contains no elements"
what little i can find on the topic online is inconclusive. some samples dont include any additional files, some have them in entirely different projects. what is the deal here?3 replies
WPF ListView.HeaderTemplate property not found
While trying to apply DataTemplates to a ListView, i found out that the
property does not exist in my project, despite it being used in the "Item templates for list view" example in the documentation (see:
With there being no info on what version of anything or whether any specific nuget package is required for this feature, i am completely lost.
project info:
VisualStudio version: 17.5.3
ouput: exe / Windows
Target Framework: .NET 7.0
Target OS Version: 10.0.22621.0
WPF enabled
C# Version: 11.0
full project: replies