Created by my2ndangelic on 1/26/2023 in #help
❔ Class Designer in Rider?
Hello, recently I have been trying the class designer in Visual Studio. I wonder if there are such equivalent feature in Rider. From what I could google it only returns something like PlantUML integration like this: I wonder if this feature exists in Rider.
2 replies
Created by my2ndangelic on 1/5/2023 in #help
❔ Finding max from the list using lambda expression
Hello, I have an example of a following list, something like {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} I want to find the max element of this list using lambda expression. So this is what I coded
List<int> sample;
int max = sample.Max(e => e);
List<int> sample;
int max = sample.Max(e => e);
Do we have to fill in the expression in List.Max? Is there other way to do it? Thank you.
6 replies