Created by Otar on 9/6/2024 in #🙋🏼・help
is it possible to use traefik to expose other services on the machine?
For example, i run proxmox on my server, can i use traefik to expose it too? I tried adding a service and route using both tipi-compose at user-config and dynamic at traefik, with no success
13 replies
Created by Otar on 9/3/2024 in #🙋🏼・help
Media subfolders
Can you customize them? i don't like the structure tipi creates.
8 replies
Created by Otar on 9/1/2024 in #🙋🏼・help
DNS challenge and wildcard certificates
Expected behavior, generate only one wildcard cert for all apps, but instead runtipi still generates a single cert per app. Traefik .yml api: dashboard: true insecure: true providers: docker: endpoint: "unix:///var/run/docker.sock" watch: true exposedByDefault: false file: directory: /etc/traefik/dynamic watch: true entryPoints: web: address: ":80" http: redirections: entryPoint: to: websecure websecure: address: ":443" http: tls: certResolver: myresolver domains: - main: xxxx.duckdns.org sans: - *.xxxx.duckdns.org certificatesResolvers: myresolver: acme: email: xxxxxxx storage: /shared/acme.json dnsChallenge: provider: duckdns log: level: ERROR acme.json { "myresolver": { "Account": { "Email": "xxxx", "Registration": { "body": { "status": "valid", "contact": [ "mailto:xxxx" ] }, "uri": "https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/acme/acct/1920811146" }, "PrivateKey": "MIIJJwIBAAKCAgEAuO6tmc0tUn5ipSoQtNeq2AkAudkMMUKjIazmdCENdL> "KeyType": "4096" }, "Certificates": [ { "domain": { "main": "xxxx.duckdns.org" }, "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUY3akNDQk5hZ0F3S> "key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpNSUlKS1FJQkFBS0NBZ0V> "Store": "default" }, { "domain": { "main": "doozle.xxxx.duckdns.org" }, "certificate": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUYvRENDQk9TZ0F3S> "key": "LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBSU0EgUFJJVkFURSBLRVktLS0tLQpNSUlKS2dJQkFBS0NBZ0V> "Store": "default" } } ] } }
61 replies