Created by Foxtrek_64 on 6/6/2024 in #help
static bool INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromChecked<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)
result = FromNumber(value);
return true;

INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromSaturating<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)
result = value != TOther.Zero ? One : Zero;
return true;

INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromTruncating<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)

internal static Bit FromNumber<TNumber>(TNumber value)
where TNumber : INumberBase<TNumber>
=> TryFromNumber(value, out Bit? result)
? result
: ThrowOverflowException<Bit>();

internal static bool TryFromNumber<TNumber>(TNumber value, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Bit? result)
where TNumber : INumberBase<TNumber>
result = null;
if (value == TNumber.Zero)
result = Zero;
return true;
if (value == TNumber.One)
result = One;
return true;

return false;
static bool INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromChecked<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)
result = FromNumber(value);
return true;

INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromSaturating<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)
result = value != TOther.Zero ? One : Zero;
return true;

INumberBase<Bit>.TryConvertFromTruncating<TOther>(TOther value, out Bit result)

internal static Bit FromNumber<TNumber>(TNumber value)
where TNumber : INumberBase<TNumber>
=> TryFromNumber(value, out Bit? result)
? result
: ThrowOverflowException<Bit>();

internal static bool TryFromNumber<TNumber>(TNumber value, [NotNullWhen(true)] out Bit? result)
where TNumber : INumberBase<TNumber>
result = null;
if (value == TNumber.Zero)
result = Zero;
return true;
if (value == TNumber.One)
result = One;
return true;

return false;
8 replies
Created by Foxtrek_64 on 6/6/2024 in #help
Still trying to figure this one out though
8 replies
Created by Foxtrek_64 on 6/6/2024 in #help
Changed the base type of bit to be an IBinaryInteger because I felt it fit better
8 replies
Created by Foxtrek_64 on 6/6/2024 in #help
Doesn't look like INumberBase supports the & operator so value & TOther.One doesn't work
8 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
I went ahead and pushed those changes, but I don't really have a good test platform for the older versions of .NET, so anyone who uses this packge for netfx do so at your own risk
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Forgot to hit enter
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
With MemoryMappedFile, you get to control the memory usage. By default I have it set to 2mb, but you can change that to whatever you want using the provided LengthsConstants or any long value representing the number of bytes
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Sound good. I'll push a new version here shortly with MIT + net461 support, which you should be able to use with net472
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Does the MIT license work for you?
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Available since 4.0 flat, so that should be fine
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Actually let me see when memorymappedfile is available before I offer that-
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
It targets netstandard2.1 so it should in theory be able to use that target. I can add an explicit net461 target if you need (that's the only one I have installed currently)
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
It's been published Also I don't mind relicensing. LGPL is just the default for Remora projects
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Do note the chunk iterator is disposable, so do wrap it in a using block/statement
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
The way that you'll use this is you'll init a new chunk iterator with the path to the file and the chunk lenght, then you can iterate through using a foreach loop or LINQ
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
It will be available here in a few minutes:
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
I'll get this package published to nuget since I realized it's not there yet
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Includes a Chunk, a ChunkIterator, and a ReverseChunkIterator
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
50 replies
Created by Jesse on 6/4/2024 in #help
Handling reading large files in C#
Ah yes, so the TL;DR is you want to open the file as a MemoryMappedFile
50 replies