CDCloudflare Developers
Created by advaith on 2/25/2024 in #pages-help
Sudden Internal Server Error
The homepage of my site on Pages is suddenly returning only "Internal Server Error". The site uses next-on-pages, but this particular page is static generated. It was working fine a few minutes ago, and I haven't pushed a change in days. What could be causing this? Other pages on the site had an issue for a bit but they work fine now, I'm only still seeing issues on the homepage. My code doesn't log anything, so that log seems to be coming from Cloudflare. Site link:
"outcome": "ok",
"scriptName": "pages-worker--2078907-production",
"diagnosticsChannelEvents": [],
"exceptions": [],
"logs": [
"message": [
"Error: internal error"
"level": "error",
"timestamp": 1708828588513
"eventTimestamp": 1708828588513,
"event": {
"request": {
"response": {
"status": 500
"id": 17
"outcome": "ok",
"scriptName": "pages-worker--2078907-production",
"diagnosticsChannelEvents": [],
"exceptions": [],
"logs": [
"message": [
"Error: internal error"
"level": "error",
"timestamp": 1708828588513
"eventTimestamp": 1708828588513,
"event": {
"request": {
"response": {
"status": 500
"id": 17
8 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by advaith on 1/15/2024 in #pages-help
GitHub checks suddenly failing on excluded branch
I added a new excluded preview branch prefix, and it seems to have broken for older branches which were already excluded: there are no failed builds in the dashboard, but in GitHub it says Build failed, and the link says
Project not found. The specified project name does not match any of your existing projects. (Code: 8000007)
and the url indeed has the wrong project name (that might have been the project name months/years ago) if I change the project name in the url to the correct one attached to that repo, then it says
The deployment ID you have specified does not exist. Update the deployment ID and try again. (Code: 8000009)
this same issue showed up on various branches, all excluded
21 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
Created by advaith on 8/2/2023 in #general-help
DNS integration removing CNAME for TXT
6 replies