ja yeti
ja yeti
Created by ja yeti on 1/19/2024 in #help
Can anyone explain me why referencing newer package versions is possible? net8 in net6 solution
I've seen some different stuff like type forwards, been curious how many other things like that are there https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/blob/4068acbe4862fd4f8f3758f31a034851ffffc4ce/src/libraries/System.Collections/src/System/Collections/BitArray.cs#L17C38-L17C55 this is older framework as far as I know, but makes build system complex and I would want to understand how many things like this exist I've refined the search to verify how much stuff specific to newer .NET could be there, seems it's safe for this particular extensions library https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Adotnet%2Fruntime+if+NET7_0_OR_GREATER+Extensions&type=code
13 replies
Created by ja yeti on 1/19/2024 in #help
Can anyone explain me why referencing newer package versions is possible? net8 in net6 solution
if there's any more in depth resource explaining this I'd be interested to read more
13 replies
Created by ja yeti on 1/19/2024 in #help
Can anyone explain me why referencing newer package versions is possible? net8 in net6 solution
great, that sounds clear to me now
13 replies
Created by ja yeti on 1/19/2024 in #help
Can anyone explain me why referencing newer package versions is possible? net8 in net6 solution
@jcotton42thanks, just been wondering, since it's 2 major versions, how compatiblity is preserved, is it solely based on target version eg net6 lib wouldn't use methods added in net8, so it wouldn't crash, fail or so
13 replies