TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by piesell on 4/8/2023 in #questions
Using Google Cloud SQL with Prisma
Hi, I am looking at using Prisma for a work project. We use GCP, so I figured Cloud SQL would be the best bet. I am having difficulty getting it to connect for development purposes. I have added my IP to allowed networks, set up a user account to access the DB, but I am struggling to work out what I should set for the host - anyone had any experience with this? There seems to be conflicting information online.
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TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by piesell on 12/30/2022 in #questions
t3 + express or migrate to tRPC?
Hi, I have an old project I am starting back up. I implemented it with an express.js backend and a CRA frontend. I am trying to work out what the best way to implement what I need is. The basic functionality is to allow a testing team to monitor the progress of devices that are being updated, to facilitate faster testing. The progress of the updates is stored on a separate server which exposes a REST API. They enter the id of the device they want to monitor, and the backend verifies the id as valid via the API, and schedules it to be monitored. I calculate how frequently the device should be checked for changes based on when it was last active, to prevent overloading the external server. The backend schedules this and will periodically check each device for changes, updating a Cloud Firestore database when required. The frontend pulls the data from the backend which additionally acts as a cache to reduce db reads. I was moved to a different project in the middle of development of this tool, recently I have been asked to work on it again and to look at making a mobile app. I am very interested in t3 app, I would like to get some opinions on what is a good way to proceed. 1. Would a serverless (cloud functions?) implementation be suitable for this? It seems I could schedule functions to run when data changes in a db. Perhaps using tRPC for the api routes to handle input validation, and cloud functions for interacting with the external api? Basically, should I ditch the express server? 2. Is there a recommended guide for building a mobile app on the t3 stack? Thanks!
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