Explore posts from serversHelp with a regex
im not good with regex, tried GPT but his brain is not braining. How can i do a regex for:
- minimum 1 letter to maximum 10 letters in any position
- minimum 1 digits to maximum 10 digits in any position
- can include - and _ but will never start or end with those symbols and it will never count in the 10+10 characters count
So this would be valid:
i think you get it
33 replies
My NuGet packages are not created
Hello, I'm trying to create a NuGet package and create it directly in a shared folder.
The thing is that this library has multiple target frameworks, and when i create the NuGet it doesnt create the .nupkg file in the PublishDir folder. I've tried with only 1 target framework and it works, so it looks like targeting multiple frameworks is the problem here.
This is the config of the .csproj:
and the FolderProfile.pubxml:
as i mentioned, if i change this line:
for this:
the nupkg file is created under \dev\NuGet
Any idea?
134 replies
Amazon S3 client total request count
Hello, i need some help in something i assume it's easy but i need to be 100% sure.
I have an s3client that i use to make some requests to amazon s3. Now i need to log the total GET/POST/PUT/DELETE requests i do. I assume it's only 1 request per call, but to be 100% sure i prefer to ask here how can i check this.
The idea is to have methods like:
so when i do the "GetObjectMetadata" request, it adds 1 to the counter. So i need to be sure every mehtod i call does only 1 request, in case it does some extra requests i should then add something like "PostRequest += 1" or smth like that
29 replies
Need to edit a outlook mail without interop
Hello, i have a .msg template that i have to work with.
First i need to read it, then edit the message and add some email addresses to send it.
This has to be dynamic, so i get the data from database and fill it.
I cannot use interop library since the server is in azure
1 replies