Rogue Beef
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Also, on the web-app front - I've found out you can install web-apps directly with the latest version of google chrome - super simple!
Hope my waffling here helps another lost user 😉
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=firefox --file-forwarding org.mozilla.firefox @@u %u @@
Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
GenericName=Web Browser
X-GNOME-FullName=Firefox Web Browser
#[Desktop Action new-window]
#Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=firefox --file-forwarding org.mozilla.firefox --new-window @@u %u @@
#Name=New Window
#[Desktop Action new-private-window]
#Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=firefox --file-forwarding org.mozilla.firefox --private-window @@u %u @@
#Name=New Private Window
[Desktop Action prod]
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p prod
Name=Launch Productivity Browsing
[Desktop Action chill]
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p chill
Name=Launch Chill Browsing
[Desktop Action open-profile-manager]
Exec=/usr/bin/flatpak run --branch=stable --arch=x86_64 --command=firefox org.mozilla.firefox --ProfileManager
Name=Open Profile Manager
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Okay I think that's as best as it will get, I'm going to leave my /var/lib/flatpak/app/org.mozilla.firefox/current/active/export/share/applications/org.mozilla.firefox.desktop code below should anyone else wish to replicate what I've been able to do:
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
update-desktop-database ~/.local/share/applications seemed to do the trick!
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Also; as these updates are in the lib folder, my hunch is they will be overwritten by any bazzite update?
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?

14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Thanks Rumble, I may end up going down that route
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Found a similar issue here:
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
Okay, some more progress, I've been able to create a .desktop file in /home/rogue/.local/share/applications/ and add it onto my taskbar however it doesn't retain it's independance as a live application. Once it's launched the icon goes empty and the firefox application is merged into my default profile (& without the custom icon) - ideally I'd like these to remain separate applications from the operating systems perspective.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Launch Firefox chill
Comment=Open Firefox browser
Exec=flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p chill
14 replies
UBUniversal Blue
•Created by Rogue Beef on 11/19/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Firefox profiles or Web apps?
I've just found that I can launch seperate profiles from the command line as below, so perhaps the easiest workaround is to create a script and place that script on my taskbar.
Ideally I'd like to have seperate icons for the seperate profiles but that might be a stretch in bazzite?
rogue@debian:~$ flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox
rogue@debian:~$ flatpak run org.mozilla.firefox -p chill
14 replies