UBUniversal Blue
Created by Aldran on 11/26/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
File history within Lutris and Gnome File Explorer under KDE
For clarification I am running KDE. While tinkering around my Lutris installations, I noticed that it is picking up the recent file access of my entire computer, even though I set KDE to save that overall. From my understanding, it seems that Lutris does not open the Dolphin file explorer but what looks to be a Gnome one and it is driving me nuts. I tested both .cache and .config and whatever is storing this information is not there. I hope someone might be able to help.
3 replies
UBUniversal Blue
Created by Aldran on 7/26/2024 in #🛟bazzite-help
Way to force cursor grab for a game window
Hello, I am running Bazzite on a desktop with two monitors and I have a question. Is it possible to force cursor grabbing to a window for a game? I recently ran into some issues with Fallout 4. The game is set to Exclusive Fullscreen, and it's cursor respects its own window, but the OS cursor pops right out and continues going to the other screen. Similarly, I have ran into other games such as Age of Wonders 4 which really just offer windowed borderless. For strategy game is not as much of an issue, but I will like to get have a way to lock to cursor that is not dependent on the developer to add a bespoke setting.
21 replies