Josh Grant
Josh Grant
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Josh Grant on 10/24/2023 in #questions
Am I making too many PrismaClient objects?
I am working on a multi-tenant application. I have two separate routers. One for cross-tenant queries and mutations named admin and one for individual facility data access named facility. I created a Prisma extension to insert a where clause in all queries. The extension needs a facilityId from each request. Because of this, I am calling the following code inside of createTRPCContext.
const facilityIdPrisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(
) as PrismaClient;
const facilityIdPrisma = new PrismaClient().$extends(
) as PrismaClient;
Does createTRPCContext run on every request to the API? Am I creating a new Prisma client on every request? My goal is to have cross-tenant data safety baked into the application. I want the API interaction from the front-end code to be very explicit. api.admin.users.getAll() // Obviously a cross-tenant API call api.user.getAll() // Obviously a single tenant API call The admin router uses an adminProcedure that checks the database to ensure the user is actually an admin. This application will be in a regulated environment so I will be hosting on AWS ECS and RDS. Another option I am considering is Supabase and using RLS. Thank you.
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Josh Grant on 10/11/2023 in #questions
Consulting on HIPAA compliant T3 based application
I am an AWS Solutions Architect and web developer looking to setup HIPAA HIPAA-compliant infrastructure to host a T3 application in AWS. Vercel is out due to not offering a BAA. Amplify is out because my database is in a private subnet and I can specify what VPC the lambdas are in I am looking into SST or running on ECS. I am willing to pay for a few hours of consulting with someone who has gone down this road. I am using: - NextJS - trpc - Prisma - RDS Aurora (Postgres) - Clerk Anyone who has been down this road want to make a few bucks by saving me some time? Thanks.
28 replies