Created by Kunikos on 6/4/2023 in #help
❔ where have the abstractions gone?
5 replies
Created by Kunikos on 2/23/2023 in #help
❔ ✅ Unable to remove reference to project
please forgive my frustration..... this really shouldn't be an issue..... but for whatever reason i'm unable to remove a reference to a project. i removed the reference in the csproj file..... I know that it's still added because i'm getting ambiguity errors and when i go to re-add a reference it says i have that library already added.... even though it's not listed in the csproj file..... please.... any suggestions would be much appreciated....
13 replies
Created by Kunikos on 10/4/2022 in #help
How to edit a sln file in visual studio 2022
can't believe that i have to ask this question.... guess it comes to show another example of microsoft f***king up... but how do i simply open a sln file to edit it within visual studio 2022? i tried double clicking / triple clicking / rapid fire clicking.... no dice..... can't believe that something that used to be so easy before has now become a mystery.... tried googling but you know,,,, it get's confused with opening a sln file with visual studio.... i'm talking about EDITING IT in actual TEXT! thanks... to anyone who has the patience to answer this stupid and frustrating question....
74 replies