Explore posts from serversTTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by tendies123 on 12/30/2023 in #questions
Inconsistent Fast Refresh Issues
It doesn't really amke sense how to debug this, currently having to resatart my whole server for any change to show up
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by tendies123 on 12/14/2023 in #questions
Is there a way/pattern to swap a server and client component seamlessly
Or is this a pattern we should avoid?
Essentially here we have a server sidebar
and a client sidebar
Is it a bad pattern to want to do? Which is why i can't find much on it?
ServerSidebar loads first instantly
ClientSidebar loads after (mostly to update an active state ) - This is the same as the server sidebar visually except with state
2 replies
Get Name of All Query Routes or Mutation Routes
Typescript is pretty unhappy with my methods of doing this manually, so wondering if there are any official ways
although they i'm pretty sure they should work objectively i.e.
If I use this
But if I do
It works
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by tendies123 on 12/13/2023 in #questions
Inferred Type Parameter from a Fixed Union is Different from a Parameter that is a Fixed Union
So this took me embarrassingly long to figure out how to articulate, hoping it saves someone a lot of time
These are very meaningfully different in that if you pass in a name to the second one it doesn't narrow the return type at all, you'll get a type error if you don't explicitly type guard the possibilities
(even if all the inputs you are pulling from are strongly typed and would not error)
Even though with both you'll get an error if you pass in a random value
Is this obvious advice that exists somewhere? trying to figure out how to explain this to my team or if there is just some resource i'm missing.
I guess if you're building types for DX like I am, then you should be inferring or else you're not going to get the narrowing you really want.
The Copilot output that made it click
It makes sense to me and explains why I couldn't get the specificity in places where I really wanted it.
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by tendies123 on 12/9/2023 in #questions
React / Typescript VsCode Refactoring Question

2 replies