Explore posts from serversV0.28 Type Issues
would this create a circular reference? new version blows up my typescript completely
// Recursive CTE to get all parent tasks
.with("ParentHierarchy", (qb) =>
.selectFrom("tools.Task as t")
.innerJoin("ParentHierarchy as ph", "ph.ParentTaskId", "t.TaskId")
36 replies
V0.28 Type Issues
Im using "pnpm add https://github.com/kysely-org/kysely#v0.28" to add it,
ends up in package.json as "kysely": "github:kysely-org/kysely#v0.28",
36 replies
Kysely Geometry Parsing Plugin - Convert driver values to/from geojson
Yeah i realise that kyseley isn't an orm. I was basically just trying to figure out where this logic should actually live, as i just want to use kyseley without having to invoc functions all the time, more of a set and forget. Thanks for the clarification that this should primarily be a driver concern, unfortunately igal couldn't use node-mssql, and used tedious + tarn for pooling and I don't think tedious has way to hook into the conversion but i'll look into that some more
4 replies