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NSNabBot Support
Created by Galarzaa on 12/12/2022 in #support-or-suggestions
NabBot is not responding to commands!
Discord has restricted bots' access to message content, making them unable to see messages unless they are specifically tagging/mentioning them. For this reasons, commands are no longer recognized by using regular prefixes like: nab.whois. In order for the bot to respond, you need to mention the bot, and then use the command's name, for example: ----- @NabBot whois Galarzaa Fidera -----
48 replies
NSNabBot Support
Created by Galarzaa on 12/12/2022 in #support-or-suggestions
New Support & Suggestions forum
In order to keep suggestions and reports more organized and make following up easier, we have created a forum for this.
1 replies