Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Like if you don't understand what
does, you can always look at https://github.com/Cysharp/R3/blob/main/tests/R3.Tests/OperatorTests/CombineLatestTest.cs39 replies
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Yeah, observables are awkward. I need to invest time into R3 basics at some point. Largely same thing, but different implementation. https://github.com/Cysharp/R3
39 replies
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
I assume the pattern can be smarter with pooling (and the limitations that would come from that) and make MVU reasonable with said enforced pattern. But that's a lot of invested time. Time that I prefer the pattern architect to put in, not me.
39 replies
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Uno has its own adaptation called MVUX: https://platform.uno/docs/articles/external/uno.extensions/doc/Overview/Mvux/Overview.html?tabs=viewmodel%2Cmodel
39 replies
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Avalonia has https://github.com/AvaloniaUI/Avalonia.Markup.Declarative
Uno has https://platform.uno/c-markup/
39 replies