What are the steps to migrate to Runtime v2?
I'd like to make use of waking a service on a private network as described here: https://discord.com/channels/713503345364697088/1158700167579582564/1251511726562611264
My app is still on the legacy runtime though. Is there any breaking changes to go to Runtime v2?
5 replies
Cron schedule in General section vs Deploy section
I'd like to know what the difference betwene the Cron Schedule setting is between these two sections.
I thought I had only set it once when cron schedules were first introduced, but now I see my schedule in both 🤔
12 replies
Database pricing and limitations
What are the limitations for a DB instance on Railway?
For example, on other DBaaS platforms you are restricted on certain criteria like: RAM, row limit, storage capacity, concurrent connection limit, number of backups, etc.
All I've found for Railway DBs is that there is a storage limit of 1 GB (free plan) or 100 GB (dev plan).
11 replies