Christmas Jameston
❔ DMZ Server Software
I am working on a project to create a DMZ Server that will pass information to a 3rd party from the main servers. Currently I've bern building this on top of ASP.NET's MVC API, but I was wondering if this was the best route?
At this point, I essentially have an api that calls and occasionally consumes another api. Can I get some thoughts on this?
4 replies
❔ Unit Testing for OpenXML
I am having trouble writing a unit test for a piece of code at work that deals with OpenXML.
Outline of the program is that the function takes in a SpreadsheetDocument object, reads it, and extracts all of the cell values into a dictionary containing a list of values (example: { "Values" : [ "Element0", "Element1", "Etc." ] }). I return this created dict.
I've tried to figure out how to write unit tests for this, but I am really struggling to do so. Can anyone give me some pointers? Thanks.
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