Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
I've learned a lot while doing it so far.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
I mean, I am enjoying working on it. However, my primary motivation for joining the team was to roll my add-on toolkit into it lol.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
asp net, source gen on backend
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
I'm surprised that there isn't a cleaner way to forward a delegate call to a generic object[] array sig
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
or if you mean actual job, source gen because web dev work.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
lookup LuaCsForBarotrauma lel
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
Worst case is that these systems remain separate (since we use the new event system internally).
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
I will rethink my approach though
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
Anyways, ideally, everyone would be in Cs land but Cs was basically addded later.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
The old system until recently only supported C# in the form of source files included in the package and compiled at runtime.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
forgot to mention the best technical debt
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
Oh yeah
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
I have used it at work. The issue is most of the modding community uses Lua and/or their IDE of choice is either Notepad++ or VSCode :BaroDev:
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
and curses get inserted into the spells via PRs
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
And the problem with "wizardry" in community modding frameworks is they are impossible to maintain once the "wizard" leaves the project.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
Well the runtime wrapper would probably be dynamic assembly IL emission.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
My goal was to have a wrapper/container class that would contain the actual LuaMethod delegate and implement the interface, then redirect the call to either the Action or Func handler based on signature.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
so there's no static typing support nor more complex behaviour without casting and it's entire based on reading the API docs, which weren't that well maintained, or the code.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
The problem is the old API makes all events implement either Action<object[]> or Func<object, object[]> as the delegate type.
40 replies
Created by PerfidiousLeaf on 12/4/2024 in #help
Dynamically Implementing Interfaces at Runtime
The old API for manually registerring to events is still completely supported, the events interface API is additional functionality.
40 replies