TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by not_nerp on 7/20/2023 in #questions
Looking for resources/articles/blogs/books on how to instrument a codebase with metrics
Not looking for how to use a particular library or do metrics in x language, but something more on the topic of how to add metrics in a "clean" way (and how to write code that lends itself well to this). I've just started working on a project at work where more than half the code is just emitting metrics and it's interspersed everywhere making everything unreadable. I'm convinced there's a better way to structure the code and probably magick away some stuff with annotations, but I'd like to do some reading on the subject so I can feel a bit more confident in what I'm trying to do. The code is just plain TypeScript that's being built to run on a Node.js Lambda, but I don't think that should matter here.
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