how to union two queries with json_build_object?
ok i think i have something https://kyse.link/xpMTf. perhaps not ideal, but works. thank you very much for the help!
10 replies
how to union two queries with json_build_object?
ah ok! 🙇 so this in full https://kyse.link/CtZGS. now i realize what i need is really a discriminated union type though, so something closer to this https://kyse.link/4Zw87. the result gets the correct type now
but then back to
Types of property 'details' are incompatible.
where union
is not happy. is there any way to just convince the union that all is good? 😄 don't mind explicitly casting anything at this point10 replies
how to decode a point to `{x: number, y: number}` when selected inside `jsonBuildObject`?
ah ok, thanks! in my case the point column is nullable, making it more complicated i guess 🤔 if i were to do it in js-land instead, is a plugin with
a reasonable approach?12 replies