CDCloudflare Developers
ā¢Created by jdruwe on 9/16/2024 in #general-help
D1 wrangler import [ERROR] {"D1_RESET_DO":true}
I am using the wrangler command to insert records into my D1 database but I am getting following response:
š File already uploaded. Processing.
š Starting import...
š Processed 35468 queries.
š Processed 72704 queries.
š Processed 110145 queries.
ā [ERROR] {"D1_RESET_DO":true}
Any idea?
7 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
ā¢Created by jdruwe on 8/25/2024 in #pages-help
Create CAA record on a free plan? (pointed to as CNAME)
I've red following information at https://sslmate.com/caa/about:
"If a domain name is a CNAME (also known as an alias) for another domain, then the certificate authority looks for the CAA record set at the CNAME target (just like any other DNS lookup). If no CAA record set is found, the certificate authority continues searching parent domains of the original domain name.
For example, if blog.example.com is a CNAME for blogprovider.example, then the certificate authority looks for CAA record sets in the following order:
- blogprovider.example
- example.com"
In my scenario my own pages app doesn't seem to specify any CAA records, which I find odd, I would have expected some to be present as mentioned at: https://developers.cloudflare.com/ssl/edge-certificates/caa-records/#caa-records-added-by-cloudflare:
"Cloudflare adds CAA records automatically in two situations:
When you have Universal SSL or advanced certificates and add any CAA records to your zone.
When you have Universal SSL enabled and enable AMP Real URL or SXG Signed Exchanges."
1) Isn't CF pages using universal SSL behind the scenes?
2) Is there a way for me to create CAA records on a free plan?
38 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
ā¢Created by jdruwe on 8/13/2024 in #pages-help
Pages does not support custom paths for the `wrangler.toml` configuration file
I am trying to use the following command using an NX argument:
wrangler pages deploy --config {args.wranglerConfig}
but I get: Pages does not support custom paths for the wrangler.toml
configuration file. Is this really the case + is there no option to work around this? I have wrangler.toml for acc and 1 for prod.2 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
ā¢Created by jdruwe on 7/30/2024 in #pages-help
next-on-pages suspense cache KV not being populated

8 replies
CDCloudflare Developers
ā¢Created by jdruwe on 7/17/2024 in #general-help
Error code 8000000 on pages project created based on Github repo
Hey all! I am getting the following error when creating a pages project based on a Github repo: "An unknown error occured. Contact your account team or Cloudflare support: https://cfl.re/3WgEyrH. (Code: 8000000)". I've removed all cloudflare integrations in Github but it doesn't seem to resolve the issue. The Github repo is not a personal one but one within a Github organization I am part of, not sure if that could cause this issue. Any similar experiences here?
2 replies