Created by PracticalPotato on 5/23/2023 in #help
❔ Reading from a JSON file
I have a JSON file in the following format
"type" : {
"path" : "filename",
"path2" : "filename",
"type2" : {
"path" : "filename"
"type" : {
"path" : "filename",
"path2" : "filename",
"type2" : {
"path" : "filename"
where I don't know how many types I have or how many paths per type. How would I go about reading and storing this in C#?
150 replies
Created by PracticalPotato on 4/14/2023 in #help
❔ Passing data from a web page to a ""singleton"" C# desktop application
So, let's say I have a web page that has a button that opens my C# application (through a url protocol in the registry), through which it might receive some parameters. However, I also want it so that if I have an instance of my C# application open, clicking the button will instead send those parameters to the already-open application, rather than starting a new instance of it. How would I go about doing this? ------ Currently, I have it so that my program maintains a named mutex, and if that named mutex is owned by another process, then there is a previous instance of my program running, and the current instance aborts.
40 replies