Marvee Amasi
Marvee Amasi
Have anyone worked with nucleo board lwip to send data to aws iot core
Load the AWS IoT certificates
mg_tls_opts cert_options;
mg_tls_opts cert_options;
Your device certificate
cert_options.cert = "/path/to/device_cert.pem";

cert_options.cert = "/path/to/device_cert.pem";

Your private key
cert_options.key = "/path/to/private_key.pem";
cert_options.key = "/path/to/private_key.pem";
Amazon root CA certificate = "/path/to/root_ca.pem"; = "/path/to/root_ca.pem";

Then after u can Initialize the connection to AWS IoT as in
struct mg_connection *conn = mg_connect(&mgr, "ssl://", event_handler);

if (conn == NULL) {
printf("Failed to connect to AWS IoT Core or anything u want to \n");
struct mg_connection *conn = mg_connect(&mgr, "ssl://", event_handler);

if (conn == NULL) {
printf("Failed to connect to AWS IoT Core or anything u want to \n");
Then u shuld enable TLS with the provided certificates
mg_tls_init(conn, &cert_options);
mg_tls_init(conn, &cert_options);
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