Diagnosing Asterisk Segmentation Fault on STM32MP157f-DK2 When Connecting via Mizudroid SIP Client
Some of my fist thoughts: When playing with Asterisk, I had no problems with a DHCP setup Assuming that the Asterisk server is now starting OK. Is it stable - as in does it all stay up without a segfault without any clients connecting to it? Have you tried just starting it and leaving it for an hour or so? If you think the client is causing issues, have you tried a different client? I used LinPhone ( https://www.linphone.org/en/homepage-linphone/ ) Another thing to try if you have a PC available would be to run the Asterisk server on that to see if it is a resource issue. When I did it, I used a PC running Debian, but then I was trying to integrate FXO/FXS adapters into my solution.
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