How to interpret C#/.NET documentation
That is interesting. I have never really tried bing. I've always used Google and Duckduckgo. It seems that the drop in the quality of the search results is related to the fact that these results are AI filtered themselves.
45 replies
How to interpret C#/.NET documentation
Of course, AI has become a fundamental tool in debugging and coding, especially for simple tasks. But it is also a double edged sword, if you use it on a consistent basis, it will turn from a crutch to a wheelchair, basically hurting the novice programmer. You will become dependent on it. But I am wondering how the old school programmers actually dealt with technical documentation. I mean...they must have been way better than modern programmers.
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How to interpret C#/.NET documentation
Another good book could be "C# in Depth" by Jon Skeet. Sorry guys, maybe with the Generics article I picked the wrong example. It was just to show that there is a need to understand the hierarchy of all these classes.
45 replies
How to interpret C#/.NET documentation
Yes, you have a good point, but in the C# course I attended, and the Java course that I am going to attend, classes and objects go hand in hand. In scripting languages such as Python, you can avoid objects if the purpose is relatively simple. But there must be 10 to 20 fundamental articles that can pave the way to correct interpretation of C# documentation. One of these articles could be this one for example (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/standard/generics/) this is about "Generics" . Just grouping a bunch of these beginner articles would be very beneficial for beginners, in order to understand what the compiler is actually doing.
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How to interpret C#/.NET documentation
I know the fundamentals of OOP, and I know other languages which are mainly involved in scripting. When it comes to object oriented programming and writing an entire application...it is very different from writing simple scripts for data analysis with languages such as Python or R. I consider Object Oriented programming way harder than just scripting.
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