Umesh Lokhande
Umesh Lokhande
DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by JeremyCook on 12/10/2024 in #🟩-pcb-and-analog
How Might US-China Trade Relations Impact PCB/PCBA Pricing and Imports?
Hi @JeremyCook I live in India and in the past 5-years we have been absorbing lots of shocks and uncertainty from cost of manufacturing from Chinese firms (incl. shipping cost) and the cost of software/development tools from Western suppliers. As an Indian, we always prepare ourselves for policies on Chinese anti-dumping duty & western sanctions. I can write a long essay here. But long story short I agree to keep little bit in-ward focus (domestic market) and if manufacturing boosts in US then you may make it good out of your PCBA fabrication operation but if the policies are inconsistent then I worry you may end up at loosing side. I'm not sure. But all I can expect is the high-quality product (Made in USA) and if they don't keep the competitive pricing then the mood of a customer will decide outcome.
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