DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by JeremyCook on 12/10/2024 in #🟩-pcb-and-analog
How Might US-China Trade Relations Impact PCB/PCBA Pricing and Imports?
That is interesting. Maybe you will see better prices on Chinese things there in the coming years if they try to further diversify their market away from the US. I'm not economist either, but my understanding is that labor is quite a bit cheaper in China than the US, though perhaps it's even cheaper in (at least) parts of Africa, so I suppose that advantage is irrelevant? Obviously we're talking about a huge continent, and a rather large country in Nigeria, so the labor, trade environment must vary greatly by region? Incidentally, I got to visit South Africa a few month ago (was going to say this summer, but was, in fact, winter). Different region than Nigeria for sure, but the wildlife there was truly amazing.
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