DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
•Created by JeremyCook on 12/10/2024 in #🟩-pcb-and-analog
How Might US-China Trade Relations Impact PCB/PCBA Pricing and Imports?
Hey @JeremyCook this is interesting and I'm glad you brought it up. I'd be interested to hear from others who live and work in nations with (what I assume will be) better relationships with China than here in the States (@Umesh Lokhande @hemalchevli @Joseph Ogbonna @Afuevu @kristof-at-embeetle)?
It's also amazing to me that it's possible for things to be so inexpensive compared to bread and milk here. You have to assume that the tariffs/import taxes will be passed on in higher product/service fees.
Let me know if you need an extra worker in the fab 🙂
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