Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Cool, I'll take a look. That is one thing that has made it hard for me is finding actual examples of observables that didn't have a bunch of other unrelated stuff tacked on that was doing stuff behind the scenes.
39 replies
Would a Declarative Reactive UI be too expensive?
Basically, I just like the MVU pattern better. I guess you could do it with pooling, and 'resetting' the elements/widgets when releasing them. But I guess it would still be rather slower than just doing the normal way of updating elements.
39 replies
What's the right UI framework pattern?
But then the question is I think is if the extra complexity is worth the performance. My thinking originally with the structs was to re-create them each frame. But I guess that would really be not the best performance wise probably.
59 replies
What's the right UI framework pattern?
Makes sense to do a component-per-layout type, but when you go to evaluate a entity, how do you know which layout it has? Can't really do all of the VerticalStack layout components and then all the Grid layout components since the child entities sizes rely on the parents*
59 replies