DIIDevHeads IoT Integration Server
Created by accur4te on 7/17/2024 in #📦-middleware-and-os
Understanding Coding and Libraries in STM32CubeIDE
Hey guys i recently completed mastering arduino , esp32 and all different types of atmega328 boards . Even completed learning embedded C and its application on atmega32 . I want to get started in STM32 . I have spend few weeks learning about its ide but the coding part is too much confusing , till now i am able to just use HAL Library and writing a embedded c code (target type - empty ) for it from scratch . But I am looking forward on understanding the coding part of the STM32 cube ide like how to add different libraries and how to use different types of stm32 chips and use there special feature for example few STM32 w Chips have lora inbuild . Can anyone help me with getting started .
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